Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Are You Suffering from Back Pain ?

Lower Back Pain is otherwise called lumbar pain is a crucial one and the lumbar area is associated with many regular activities like bending, extending and supporting the upper body weight when we stand. Since the lumbar part is supported by the flabby stomach, there are huge chances of getting pain on this site.


The causes of the pain are complex and there are so many structures induce the pain. The typical sources of low back pain are
  • The large nerve roots in the low back that penetrate into the legs and arms may be irritated
  • The ligaments, joints, and bones may be damaged
  • The damaged intervertebral disc
  • The smaller nerves that innervate the spine area in the lower back may be irritated
Leg pain (sciatica) and numbness

Pain from the low back radiates through the buttocks till the foot associated with numbness caused by a disc herniation in the lumbar spine. It worsens after a prolonged sitting, standing.

Pain with certain movement and positions

Due to degenerative disc disease, certain movements such as running, bending forward will cause low back pain in adults. The symptoms may be chronic and sometimes the symptoms turn worst. Low back pain along with leg pain worsens when walking or standing.

  • During the wake-up time in the morning and evening, the lower back pain becomes worse. The stiffness and pain are due to the lack of cartilage between the joints.
  • Pain radiates to the legs when walking and standing straight
  • Due to the pressure on the nerves leg pain (sciatica) becomes worse even when walking normally.

The low back pain is bifurcated into acute and chronic stages.

Acute: The pain that is lasting less than three months and mostly the patients feel better with home treatment.

Chronic: This pain is lasting longer than three months and such patients with chronic back pain are treated with intensive treatments.

Acute low back pain treatment: Initially painkillers, hot or cool padding, physiotherapy are advised for acute low back pain. If the pain is intolerable then the doctor will recommend opiate painkillers, muscle relaxants as a short-term course. Some patients are administered with epidural steroids.

Chronic low back pain treatment: If the patient is not settled with the pain, then the physician will recommend epidural injection, spinal cord stimulator therapy, targeted ozone injections, kyphoplasty, and radiofrequency ablation. If the patient’s pain is not at all controlled by all the treatments, surgery will be advised.
  • Reducing body weight
  • Avoid weight lifting in wrong postures
  • Intaking enough calcium and mineral supplements
  • Mild jogging, walking, and exercise (when the pain is severe doing exercise is not advised)
  • Maintaining right posture during sitting and walking
The Interventional Pain Treatment Clinic offers extraordinary pain management therapies by the crew of pain management. Low back pain, Neck pain, Joint pain, osteoarthritis and disc prolapse or slip disc, trigeminal neuralgia, cancer pain, peripheral vascular disease, headache, migraine etc are well treated here at an affordable cost.


Visit us: pain-treatment-clinic.com
Mail us: paintreatmentclinic@gmail.com