What you mean by disc prolapse? Softer Part of inner disc bulges out through a weak part of outer disc. Pain is caused due to this bulging. This condition is called Disc prolapse. It is also known as herniated disc. Some inflammation develop around the bulge part of disc.
Any disc can be prolapsed, but lower back is more vulnerable to disc prolapse. If size of of the disc prolapsed is bigger then pain due to prolapse is also severe.
Due to bulging of disc, nerves in spinal chord will be compressed, it wont function properly.
Muscle Weakness: Brain signals wont reach to muscles, because of nerve compression.
Electric Shock Pain: Electric shock pain due to pressure on nerves.
Bowel or Bladder Problems: This is a emergency problem. One should see doctor immediately if having bowel movements, urinating problems or numbness around your genitals.
Tingling & Numbness: Patients will feel numbness, tingling or pins & needles

Causes of disc slipping is unknown. It seems like disc slipping is due to weak part of outer disc.
Factors which increases the risk of disc prolapse are
Job which need lots of sitting
Job i which need lots of lifting
Weight bearing activity
Increasing Age
Interventional Treatments
Several interventional treatment are available. Interventional treatment is non surgical treatment to manage pains.
Ozone discectomy is least invasive procedure. This method has shown good results and patients get back to normal life easily. It requires only minimum hospitality stay.
A 4ml of intradiscal and 8ml of periganglionic injection of an oxygen-ozone mixture at an appropriate concentration is given. When Ozone has a direct effect on nucleus pulposus of disk, it will results in release of water molecule. Then Matrix's cell will degenrate, which will be replaced by fibrous tissues. New Blood cell will be formed. This will reduce pain. Read more about Disc Prolapse treatment in India
Interventional Pain Treatment Clinic provides interventional therapies as a solution for different chronic pain in the body.